Archive for March, 2013

Raising the Minimum Wage Brings Minimum Benefits

Raising the Minimum Wage Brings Minimum Benefits

The president made the case during his most recent State of the Union address that the way to prosperity was to raise the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour by 2015, from $7.25, where it has been since 2009. The rationale is that raising the minimum wage would help the middle class and businesses alike.

If that were the case, how do we explain the fact that since the federal minimum wage was instituted in 1938, it has been raised ...

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Made in America Panel Concurs that Small Business Must Fight Against Government Interference that Hampers Job Creation

Made in America Panel Concurs that Small Business Must Fight Against Government Interference that Hampers Job Creation

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by making reference to a Reader’s Digest story that estimated that the U.S. government wastes more than $1 trillion a year. He added that when you factor in the $1 trillion of regulations costs directly affecting American business productivity, more than $2 trillion is being taken out of the economy, and along with it, U.S. jobs.

Joining the show as a first ...

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Our Bipolar Economy

Our Bipolar Economy

For the 26 million unemployed and underemployed Americans, this economy has got to be mind-blowing. On one hand, the Shadow Government Statistics’ “Alternate Unemployment Rate” remained at 23 percent in January, its highest level ever.

On the other hand, the Dow Jones Industrial Average just zoomed past 14,000, hitting record highs.

In addition, Dean Maki, chief U.S. economist at Barclays, is quoted as saying: “As a percentage of national income, corporate profits stood at 14.2 percent in the third quarter of 2012, ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes that Sequestration is not necessary and Obama is using it as a scare tactic

Made in America Panel Proposes that Sequestration is not necessary and Obama is using it as a scare tactic

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by noting that the cost of Obamacare is predicted to add $6.2 trillion to the national debt, further hurting the 26 million Americans that are unemployed or underemployed.

Joining the show as a return guest was Republican Representative, John Fleming, an MD and small business owner who represents Louisiana’s Fourth Congressional District.

“I’ve talked to constituents throughout the country and they are starting ...

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The Rise of the Working Poor

The Rise of the Working Poor

It’s time to have a conversation in this country about how we define jobs. Is any job a good job? Some would say yes, but I don’t think America should be staking its future on creating poor-paying jobs just to make the unemployment numbers look good.

There are currently 26 million unemployed or underemployed Americans. For them the Obama economy has been very painful and unforgiving.

According to a report in The Huffington Post, 43 percent of households in America —some 127.5 ...

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