Posts Tagged 'Job Creation'

The Rise of the Working Poor

The Rise of the Working Poor

It’s time to have a conversation in this country about how we define jobs. Is any job a good job? Some would say yes, but I don’t think America should be staking its future on creating poor-paying jobs just to make the unemployment numbers look good.

There are currently 26 million unemployed or underemployed Americans. For them the Obama economy has been very painful and unforgiving.

According to a report in The Huffington Post, 43 percent of households in America —some 127.5 ...

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Obama’s Most Important Sentence

Obama’s Most Important Sentence

As an American exporter, I have pretty much given up on relying on President Barack Obama to carry through on his promises to spur American trade. He promised to double exports by 2015, but that promise is languishing.

In fact, the Economic Policy Institute notes that “while the U.S. trade deficit in petroleum goods declined $34.8 billion (10.7 percent), the U.S. trade deficit in non-petroleum goods increased $35.3 billion (8.8 percent). Growing goods trade deficits have eliminated millions of U.S. ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes it’s Time to Approve Keystone Pipeline

Made in America Panel Proposes it’s Time to Approve Keystone Pipeline

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 40 stations) by noting that in President Obama’s inauguration address he ignored the topic of job creation – surely one of the most important topics for the 25 million unemployed or underemployed Americans.

Joining the show as a first time guest was Congressman Lee Terry, representing Nebraska’s second district.

Congressman Terry was angry that despite the fact that 53 senators have approved a new route ...

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Dockworkers Could Throw US off Another Cliff

Dockworkers Could Throw US off Another Cliff

Taking temporary measures to prevent tumbling off the fiscal cliff, extending the milk subsidy, delaying sequestration and partially extending the Bush tax cuts are examples of stopgap measures undertaken to prevent further economic damage.

However, the United States is involved in another stopgap negotiation that could wreak havoc on the economy that few in the media are talking about.

Although it received little attention, last Friday the International Longshoremen’s Association and the U.S. Maritime Alliance agreed to extend the terms of their ...

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Made in America Panel Predicts a Continued Rise in Right-to-Work States

Made in America Panel Predicts a Continued Rise in Right-to-Work States

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America by urging listeners to look at the new job numbers with a jaundiced eye. Although Gallup predicted the new unemployment rate would hit 8.3 percent, the Obama administration once again was able to manipulate the jobless numbers to make it appear that the jobless rate has dropped below eight percent.

“You can’t take these job numbers seriously. They are just cooking the books.  What the numbers ...

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