Archive for December, 2013

Do Unions Really Care About Creating Jobs?

Do Unions Really Care About Creating Jobs?

Trade unions are always proclaiming their mission is to save and create U.S. jobs. But if you have been paying attention to their actions, you would be hard pressed to see this philosophy in action.

Jobs aren’t being created by unions — the opposite is occurring. That may explain why union membership has dropped to 6.6 percent of all workers, down from 35 percent in the mid-1950s.

Even as the United States engages in important negotiations involving the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit ...

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Made in America Panel Suggests that Obama is a Bystander in his own Administration

Made in America Panel Suggests that Obama is a Bystander in his own Administration

The worst is yet to come from the Obama administration proposed Neal Asbury as he began his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 46 stations), adding that in light of the disastrous introduction of Obamacare people in this country have every right to wonder if this government is competent.

“The president promised that people could keep their present health insurance but some 80 million workers may lose their employer-provided coverage. That’s a real cause ...

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