Archive for April, 2013

Missing the Boat on ‘Near-Sourcing’

Missing the Boat on ‘Near-Sourcing’

After years of building what they hoped would boost profits by enhancing overseas operations, many U.S. manufacturers have become disillusioned by the lack of the return on investment they had anticipated.

Instead of finding cost-saving benefits overseas, they are finding headaches, which have spurred a growing number of American companies to head home and build upon the sturdy and sure bedrock of American stability and predictability. This has come to be known as “near-sourcing.”

Near-sourcing has been defined in professional publications as ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes that Obama Administration Turns a Blind Eye as Welfare Fraud Masks True Unemployment Numbers

Made in America Panel Proposes that Obama Administration Turns a Blind Eye as Welfare Fraud Masks True Unemployment Numbers

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by warning that entitlements and other government benefits that were once created to provide a temporary hand to help people get back on their feet, have instead become the ultimate destination for millions of Americans. Americans, especially unskilled immigrants, have learned to “game” the system so they never have to look for real jobs again.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman characterized this trend ...

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Time to Rearrange the Pieces of the Immigration Puzzle

Time to Rearrange the Pieces of the Immigration Puzzle

I don’t think any sane person would disagree that the U.S. immigration policy is in complete shambles. But like clockwork, every 20 years or so, Congress wakes up to discover that the nation is flooded with undocumented workers. Inevitably, the solution in the past was to grant amnesty, even if it wasn’t called that.

Today, the president calls for immigration reform, but what he really is advocating is amnesty for the 11 million undocumented workers in this country who are largely ...

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